SSBN656 Reunion 2000 Photo's - Garde Art Center
September 22, 2000 - New London, Connecticut

Click on a picture to see a larger version open in a new window.
I need help with names! If there is no description Email me please!
Garde Arts Center
Welcome to the
Garde Arts Center
New London, Connecticut.
Garde Art Center Theater
The crowd arrives at the
Garde Art Center Theater
Dennis De Mots
Dennis De Mots and the Mrs.
Is that Wagner or Werner
(someone help me on this one)
Great shot of the flag
Great shot of the flag
during opening ceremonies.
J.J. Del Core
J.J. Del Core?
Guy Mendenhall
I believe this is
Guy Mendenhall
not sure
Help! No sure on the name here.
Halfway night Babes
Halfway night Babes!
You Go Girl friend!
Sherry Sontag
Sherry Sontag spoke
about her book
"Blind Mans Bluff"
Click Here to learn about
Sherry Sontag
If you have some good pictures
Contact me! I can scan them
for inclusion here.
Cindy Crawford
Ooops, How did that
get in here?

This page created by Jim Combs
Last Modified Sunday, July 9, 2001, 23:21 - © 2001
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